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1. Diagrams - okay so when I make my notes, I really like to have a little diagram on every page or flash card. Then when I'm trying to recall facts, I can 'picture' the diagram I made and it really helps me to remember the information.
Also, don't just print a diagram off the internet or look at the one in your textbook. Actually make your own diagram, this way you actively learn and absorb information as you make the diagram.
I like to copy the diagrams that are in my textbook. Sometimes it can be a little time consuming but I've found it really helps me to consolidate the information.
And if you're a visual leaner, this is great for you!
2. Flash cards - so I only recently decided to try the flash card method and I actually really like it. As I am both a visual and kinesthetic learner, the actual holding and feeling of the flashcards is great for me, and visually I like to get different colored flashcards and draw little diagrams all over my flashcards. Simple things such as remembering the color of the flashcard can help me recall information, such as the Krebs cycle, which was on a pink flashcard. Again, having diagrams helps me to recall information. So in my mind I like to ‘picture’ the diagram I drew of the Krebs cycle on the pink flashcard. I can also remember the texture of the flashcard, the Krebs cycle was on a pink grainy textured flashcard.
3. Read over your notes just before you go to sleep!
It's been proven that sleep consolidates what we learn and helps store information in our long term memory. Reading just before sleep is going to help your brain 'retain' those facts. I've found that it really works - the next morning I seem to know my stuff!
4. Sleep - this ones a no brainer. But if you're the cramming type of person, I really feel for you, because I am too, but seriously sleep is important and it enhances your performance the following day, it's been proven after a good nights rest we are able to recall facts better. And if you're a night owl like me - I'm really sorry I know this sucks. The temptation to say up till 3am is all too real.
If you can, try your absolute best to get ATLEAST a decent 7 hours each night. I personally need a minimum of 9 hours. It doesn’t matter what time you go to sleep, just make sure you get enough. I’m a complete night owl who goes to bed at 3am, but hey I still survived!
Sleep helps your brain cells to make connections – helping you to remember all those facts and tiny details in biology.
Lets try do our best to get enough sleep, we’re in this together!
I hope this helped, comment below if you tried any of these tips and if they worked for you. Or even comment some tips that work great for you, that way we can all help each other out!